G.I. Joe: Resolute Review

I was very impressed by the new G.I. Joe animated special that Cartoon Network recently commissioned.  It was shown earlier tonight and is likely on their website now.  Hopefully a DVD of it will be released soon.

This special, “G.I. Joe: Resolute,” was written by Warren Ellis, who you might have hear of from all his comic book writing.  It is an attempt to fill in the ‘gap’ between the old animated series and the new movie.  It is very raw and violent but also somewhat true to the old series in a wild sort of way.

Ellis, Warren, and Colleen Doran. Orbiter. Vertigo, 2004. Print.
Dos Santos, Joaquim. G.I. Joe: Resolute. Paramount, 2009. Film.


D.S. Christensen
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